Day 28 – San Antonio Ducati, The Alamo and River Walk

Woke up with the sunrise again.  This KOA is nice, but still rather close to highway and airport.  Packed up my stuff and tried to set up an appointment for a new tire, but shop wasn’t open yet.  Spent some time hacking together a new cigarette lighter adapter.  I have slightly more reliable power now.

New shoes for Mendy… that’s what the Pilot Road 3s are supposed to look like.  My center sipes were all gone.


The Alamo is quite neat.  Not sure I really understand the significance without more US history under my belt.  But the park itself is really nice.  And the Shrine and gift shop has some really kicking A/C.




The San Antonio River Walk is really nice.  I can easily see wasting away many an afternoon there.   Restaurants and bars all along.  Probably not cheap, but I was saving room for something special.



Church’s Fried Chicken!  It all started at a “to go” shop across from The Alamo.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like that location is there any more.  I went to the next closest one – it felt and smelt like the ones back home.  But on the whole, a disappointment.  Fries and Chicken were saltier than I am used to or like, and their “southern style” sandwich was lousy compared to Chik-fil-A.  Felt rather ill after finishing all that.


Without enough time to really get anywhere else, I rounded off the day with some shopping at Costco and Walmart.  Come to think of it, the last time I came away from a Ducati dealership, I went straight to a Costco too…


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4 thoughts on “Day 28 – San Antonio Ducati, The Alamo and River Walk

  1. Hey… sweet! I remember doing the river walk while in San Antonio! That’s where I got that Big Ass Beer glass!

    Is that chin hair I see?
    I vote that you grow it out. No more shaving until you get back to Vancouver.

    • I was just thinking how much fun it would have been if we had been in “baseball pants” mood along the River Walk.

      It is a goatee… and it is ridiculous. When the helmet/monkey face tan was on and it was just coming in, it made my face look longer. Now I’m darker and it’s coming in grey and still sparse/thin. But long enough for me to feel the breeze tickle it when riding.

      • Hahaha! Awesome.

        I remember you posting about how this bike opens doors to random conversations. Yesterday I chatted with a co-worker for 30 minutes in the parking lot about bikes. It turns out that her dad was in the BC Safety Council. He past away several years ago – freak motorcycle accident in Kamloops. Today I met a new rider with an old Bandit in front of Rona (yes… I’m ghetto modding now). Then the finale was this 90 year old man in the elevator of my building. He was quiet at first. But as soon as we got onto the topic of bikes, his eyes lit right up. He told me about how him and his wife used to go everywhere on his 1945 Indian.

        I guess, once a biker, always a biker.
        Makes me wonder what adventures I’ll reminisce about when I’m 90…

        • I think the thing that’s struck me most so far is how many former riders there are out there. So many people who don’t or can’t ride anymore. As you said, once a biker, always a biker. I guess if a biker without a bike is just a series of adventures to reminisce over, this should be a good one.

          Meet me in Glacier National Park for Going to the Sun Road? That random door that opened for the two of us. Only seems fitting we walk through it together – and maybe drag the rest of the motley crew with us.

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