Happy 2014 everyone!
It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to focus enough to write something for my blog. As a ‘travel’ blog, I didn’t really have anything to write after my 2012 trip. And picking up a job with Google meant that my slacker days would have to come to end. Unfortunately, not spending the time to reflect meant that my mission statement to meander was no longer ideally suited to the realities of my life.
Focusing on leaving your schedule unstructured as possible and drifting on a multi month road trip is one thing; trying to that at a new job when I have some severe workaholic tendencies is another. Not having deadlines for my personal goals led to procrastination and an unhealthy default setting of work. From a professional standpoint, it’s been nice to know that I still have it in me. That after months of unemployment/travelling and coasting at my last job for the better part of a year, I was still capable of long hours and late nights. If I had done it only for the money, I don’t think it would have been worth it. But the ability to move forward into 2014 and have the confidence knowing I can do it and choosing otherwise for personal reasons will be a nice change.
My resolution for 2014 will be to make commitments to get work/life balance. Meandering will become more about enjoying the moments rather than full on mission statement. In the context of a more structured life, I think meandering will still bring value. Like a leaf swirling in an eddy, I’ll spin around in the moment before being popped out to continue the rest of my trip downriver.
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