Day 76-77: The Newfie Trucker Experience

I woke up to the noise of trucks and trying to come to grips with what my situation was now.  No veuhicle and sleeping in the back of a dead truck.

My accommodations for the night:

The yard I woke up to:

The radiator patch for truck was done and had set over night, so we went for a spin around Corner Brook with a mock load to test things out.  Nice truck and I got a good tour of the city.  I’m thinking I wouldn’t be able to provide as good of a tour of Vancouver.  Something I should probably work on.

Since we had missed the morning sailing anyway and word was that there wasn’t much traffic for the evening sailings, we took our time getting ready to go.  Mendy was tied down to an old Harley crate bottom and then forklifted onto the back of the truck:

Such a tiny load compared to the grater:


Arriving at the terminal, things didn’t exactly look good.  Four or five rows of trucks were ahead of us.   And as we sat down to wait the hours before boarding, we heard that the ferry coming the other way had broken down and there would not be a morning ferry back to the mainland.   If we didn’t get on the ferry tonight we wouldn’t stuck at the terminal for another 24h.

As my luck was apparently turning, we were the very last truck on that night.  The only thing on after us was a bobtail, which doesn’t actually count as a truck at all.  On the plus side, we got on the ferry with a bunch of people my driver knew.   And that got us access into a berth.  Real beds!  Showers!

Picture of the top deck in the morning – can’t actually make out Mendy tucked in behind the grater:


We did make it to Atlantic Motoplex that afternoon.  As expected, their Ducati tech wasn’t available for another week.  And they suggested that if it were the head/port problem they saw before, it would probably be another 3 to 4 weeks after that to get parts.  I was looking at a week minimum and more realistically, a month to get back on the road.  Trip really was over.

I spent some time shuffling the bags around to get myself the things I needed to go home:image

Got my last picture with Mendy:


And left her to the mercies of Ducati dealerships and trucking companies.


I got a lift to the train station and tried to catch a train to Montreal.  Unfortunately, it didn’t sound like the train has a very good system for last minute trips and savings.  The only thing available was a cabin at $400+ and after jumping through a bunch of hoops, I was ready to book it.   As it turns out it was sold out and I ended up taking the overnight bus to Montreal.


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