Wong Delay – the period of time between when you’re ready to go and when you actually leave. Usually taken up by little things that aren’t part of a major checklist, but probably should be. These activities all must be done before you set off anyway, the delay is merely a matter of perspective – it’s just a nuisance because at some point, everyone declared they were ready to go.
This delay can be the most frustrating experience about riding in a group. Just remember that even if you were riding solo, this delay still exists. Take this chance to double check your own gear. It’s usually little things – Check the GoPro(is the red light on?), your zippers, earplugs, etc.
In any case, it’s better to get everything sort out the first delay rather than interrupting the trip. Because setting off again, the delay will again rear it’s ugly head – just hopefully shorter.
Origins: When you’re the cause of the delay often enough, you get it named after you!
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